Timeless Toys with Unlimited Play Potential: Dirt

Posted on 05/27/2016

Admittedly, the last stick-based idea we looked at crossed over to include our next play element we’ll explore: dirt. Whether it’s really kinetic sand, play dough, slime, or actual dirt, the benefits of this kind of sensory play can extend beyond the obvious. This mom is onto something when she calls her salt sensory activity a “Zen Sand Tray.Sand tray therapy is actually used for adults “as a way to bypass the logical and intellectual parts of themselves in order to access a deeper, creative aspect.” Sensory play is great for kids, too!

Indoor Dirt

These outdoor mud kitchen ideas look like so much fun! Of course, all you need is dirt — then just add water! When sand castles, snow men, or mud pies aren’t an option, sensory bins can certainly include dirt brought in from outside, ready for a rainy day. One commercially produced option is Kinetic Sand™. A plastic-laced sand product has a unique texture that holds forms better than regular sand, without getting it wet. As you can see in this video, it can be molded or even cut!

If you’d rather make your own dirt or sand or other sensory play medium, making it can be a fun activity in itself, depending on the ages of your kids. Here are recipes for several types:

Dirt Play Dough
Silky Play Dough
Edible Peanut Butter Play Dough
Sand Dough (similar to Kinetic Sand)
Cloud Dough (similar to Moon Sand)
Snow Slime

Dirt Impressions

Like the last stick-related activity we discussed, this first category of dirt play (or sand or play dough or whatever) has to do with its ability to hold impressions. You can stamp it with a geoboard so you can play this dot-to-dot game or stamp it with with letters for spelling practice. You could also use nature stampers to explore various textures; if you really like your dirt impressions, you could use salt dough to create lasting memories of your adventures.

You could also make imprints of dinosaurs or sea life species and have your child try to match the print to the correct animal toy.

Dirt Molding

In addition to being impressionable, dirt, Kinetic Sand, play dough, and other sensory materials are also moldable — to various degrees. Of course, depending on how sturdy you want your creation to be, you’ll have to add just the right amount of water or oil. Older kids can use forms to make geometric shapes or practice other math skills, while the younger set can practice making 2-dimensional shapes on Play Dough Mats.

Simple lumps of dough can combine with other pieces in play centers for Mr. Potato Head, snow men, monsters, or other creatures.

If you’re looking for tools to use for dirt or other sensory play, here’s a list, "Tools for use with play dough," with a great sampling.

The next play tool on our list might not be your favorite: rocks.